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Eyelid and Browlift Surgery

Case 4-Lower Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), Laser Resurfacing


Age: 59


Case Description: This is a 55 year old man with an active lifestyle and rigorous schedule as a healthcare worker. For years, the “tired look” in his eyes did not mirror his true sense of vitality. Lower eyelid bags, caused by bulging fat pads and excess skin, are addressed with lower blepharoplasty. One week after the procedure, he was back in the gym and ready to transition to regular activity. Case performed by Nick Bhatt, M.D., who serves the Aiken and Augusta area. Photos were taken four weeks after surgery.


**These photos are presented with the consent of this patient. Your actual surgical result may vary depending on factors such as your anatomy, healing, etc.


N. Nick Bhatt, MD


Phone:      706.394.9283


Copyright © N. Nick Bhatt, MD. All rights reserved.

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